Dyna Fisio

Pre and Post Natal Rehabilitation Centre in Gurgaon

Pre and Post Natal Rehabilitation Centre in Gurgaon

A pregnant body is constantly changing. Hormonal and weight changes affect your ligaments. A growing baby will stretch pelvic and abdominal muscles and challenge them in the post-partum months. Understanding special needs during pregnancy will help improve overall health and make labor and delivery easier and help women enjoy their new babies following birth. Dynafisio can help women through these changes.

Our therapists are trained to safely treat back pain and other injuries related to pregnancy. We also teach women how to maintain alignment and core strength as joints become more flexible, with the goal of restoring movement and function. With a regular program of good posture, safe movement, and back exercise, we can help a woman’s body meet pregnancy’s special demands.

We can help manage common symptoms including:

Pre-Natal :

Post-Natal :

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