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Autism Physiotherapy Treatment in Gurgaon

Autism Physiotherapy Treatment in Gurgaon

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder. It hampers the ability of a person to communicate and behave.  This disorder has a direct effect on the nervous system of the person and causes major issues in social, cognitive, emotional, and physical well-being. Autism can last for some years or a lifetime. It does not have a cure but the right treatment can help to ease living with it.


There can be no major difference in the appearance of a person, rather their abilities differ from normal individuals.  At the same time, it can be difficult for them to live without someone’s support. 

Causes for Autism

There is no one cause known for autism given its complexity. Some of the potential causes are: 

Symptoms of Autism

Usually, the signs of autism begin to appear during infancy. They might not react to their name or won’t maintain eye contact. Gradually, they will face developmental problems and issues that may show aggression. Children with autism have difficulty communicating and interacting with society. At the same time, they have restricted behavior patterns. Along with this, every child shall have some unique set of symptoms. 

Other common symptoms of autism are:

Ways to Investigate Autism

Since every individual can have a unique set of symptoms, the diagnosis of autism can be different. At the same time, patients with autism can have different requirements for support. A medical diagnosis for autism is made by a psychologist, developmental physician, or a specialised physician.  They made an investigation of the symptoms. Also, a quick observation is not sufficient in getting an assessment of someone’s ability and behaviours. Instead, some inputs from the child’s development over years from their parents, teachers, or other caregivers are important for a precise diagnosis.

There is no particular medical test like blood test, brain scan, or MRI to diagnose autism.  Rather an observation is done about the individual’s social interaction, communication, behavior and activities. They analyse:

  • Medical history of the family
  • Medical reports from the pregnancy
  • Developmental journey 
  • Sensory problems
  • Medical illnesses
  • Family history of genetic disorders 
  • Cognitive functioning
  • Language skills 

Another trusted test is The Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) Test.  It was made by a renowned researcher Simon Baron-Cohen at the University of Cambridge in England. It is moderately precise to diagnose autism. The test consists of a questionnaire used to measure autism and has been researched and found to be moderately accurate.

Treatment for Autism

After getting an autism diagnosis, it is important to begin the treatment immediately to get the best results from it. Some different types of treatment options for autism are:

  • Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA)- Applied Behavioural Analysis focuses on reinforcing some behaviour that is a base for their skill development. The complicated behaviours are divided into small and easy tasks to make them learn them. It enables the promotion of the child’s development and daily life skills. Children get to learn new skills that can be used in varied situations. 
  • Medication– A few medicines can help you ease the symptoms of Autism. But it is important to consult a qualified medical practitioner and take the medicines prescribed by them. No other medicine without prescription or consultation should be taken, that might have serious consequences.  
  • Speech Therapy– People with Autism have issues with social interaction and communication. So, speech therapy is a significant treatment for it. One can consult a qualified speech therapist to enhance communication skills. Also, it helps them to better express themselves. People are taught non-verbal skills when they might face difficulty in learning verbal communication skills. Non-verbal communication skills can include gestures, sign language, and body postures that can help to effectively communicate. 
  • Occupational therapy- Occupational therapy is a way to improve sensory integration and other motor skill problems. This therapy can help to teach life skills and other motor skills to people with Autism. Moreover, it enables them to enhance their quality of and ease living with autism to some extent by performing the day-to-day life activities to become independent.
  • Physiotherapy- Physiotherapy helps to improve motor skills and sensory integration problems in people with Autism. This can include the individual’s ability to feel aware and participate in everyday chores. Also, it improves their physical activity like sitting, walking, standing, and coordination among others.

Exercises for Autism

Some exercises can help individuals with autism improve their motor strength and skills. It reduces hyperactivity and aggression and ensures better overall health by improving strength and coordination. A few exercises for autism are:

  • Arm circles– Arm circles help to increase the flexibility, of the shoulders and upper body. For this, a person needs to stand with their feet apart and arms by their side. Next, they need to extend their arms to the side at the shoulder height and make small circles with their hands. During this, the arms should be kept straight.  Slowly, the circles can be made bigger with shoulder movements that can be repeated 10-15 times.
  • Bird dogs– This exercise is a good way to improve the health and brain of the child. For this, the person needs to get down on the floor and make a dog pose. The hands and knees should be flat on the floor. Then, they need to raise one arm and the opposite leg and then crunch the raised elbow and the raised knee making them meet under the naval. The person can initially find it difficult to balance it, but later they can be able to balance it. 

It is important to consult a physiotherapist before performing any exercise. People with Autism need special physiotherapy attention to improve their motor skills for a better life. DynaFisio physiotherapy clinic in Gurgaon with expert physiotherapists and the latest medical infrastructure offers the best treatment for Autism.

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