Dyna Fisio

Pediatric Rehabilitation Centre in Gurgaon

Pediatric Rehabilitation Centre in Gurgaon

In life’s every sphere – be in school or extra-curricular activities, we want our child to be doing his best. In order to achieve that goal, we put in our best efforts to make sure that our child realizes his full potential. For children with special needs, rehabilitation care should be no different.  If your child is facing some difficulties that other children of his age do not, then you need to be a little more concerned about his current abilities and continued development.

We at DYNAFISIO, provide the expertise and motivation that your child needs to achieve his maximum functional abilities. Pediatric Rehabilitation in Gurgaon at the Dynafisio associated best pediatric rehabilitation centers in Gurgaon focuses on maximizing the function and improving the lives of children with a wide range of conditions such as spina bifida, cerebral palsy, genetic abnormalities, brain injury and other developmental disabilities.

Pediatric Physical Therapy And Rehabilitation :

Pediatric Conditions :

Our Paediatric physiotherapists and physical therapy programs aim to offer a comprehensive therapeutic approach to help children reach a functional independence level. The program is designed for children with impairments including musculoskeletal, orthopedic, congenital, neurological, or developmental conditions.

Expected Outcomes of Pediatric Rehabilitation :

For paediatric patients, the length of treatment varies widely and is highly dependent upon each child’s condition and functional needs. As the skills that a child would need to achieve the highest level of independence when he or she returns to home or school or community are different and individualized thus the expected outcomes of each pediatric rehabilitation program are different.

Dynafisio Approach :

Our intensive one –on –one therapy approach and making the therapy sessions as child-friendly as possible makes our rehabilitation program stand out in the region. Our program offers an interdisciplinary treatment approach to rehabilitation which comprises pediatric physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy. A great level of professionalism of our rehabilitation therapists along with an integrated approach to treatment and sheer love for children makes our rehabilitation program as goal-directed and successful as possible.



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