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Fracture Physiotherapy Treatment in Gurgaon

Fracture Physiotherapy Treatment in Gurgaon

Fracture is a term used to explain a crack or breakage in the bones of the body. If the breakage or crack punters our skin then it is termed as open or compound fracture. There are various reasons due to which it happens and also, it has various types. Interestingly, fractures can be treated by physiotherapy without causing any pain of the body. Physiotherapy for fracture or broken bone is a prolonged process but it has the reliable results. 

Common Reasons of Fracture

Major Symptoms of Fracture

You are required to get your x-ray done as soon as you find an issue. Waiting for a long period of time can lead to some serious damage. Doctor may ask you to wear cast or splint or may recommend the surgery too. In a surgery, doctors put plates, pins or screws to support the bone and to keep it on right place.

Types of Fracture

How fracture could be diagnosed?

There are 3 ways through which doctor diagnoses fracture. A complete medical history will be taken by your healthcare practitioner. There will also be a physical examination. The following tests may be performed to diagnose a fracture:

X-ray– Internal tissues, bones, and organs are photographed on film using invisible electromagnetic energy beams as a diagnostic tool.

MRI– Large magnets, radiofrequency, and a computer are used in an MRI to provide detailed images of structures within the body.

CT scan– This is an imaging test that makes detailed pictures of the body using X-rays and a computer. A CT scan displays the bones, muscles, fat, and organs in detail.

How to prevent fracture?

The majority of fractures are triggered by falls or other accidents. However, there are several things you may do to lower your risk of bone fractures. We have mentioned few of top practices which you add to your lifestyle to avoid getting your bones fractured.

  • To keep your bones strong, eat a balanced diet rich in vitamin D and calcium.

  • Keep your bones healthy by doing weight-bearing activities.
  • Use no tobacco of any kind. Tobacco and nicotine make bone fractures more likely. They deteriorate bones and obstruct the healing process.
  • Fractures in older adults are frequently caused by osteoporosis. Discuss your osteoporosis risk with your healthcare practitioner. If you have it, get treatment.

What is the need of physiotherapy for fracture?

There is a common myth that fractures can be treated by operating or allopathic medications. Let us break that myth for you today. Fracture can be treated with physiotherapy without causing pain and stress on the injured area. Physiotherapist for fracture has a set of skills which allows them to treat a patient with the ease. 

Physiotherapy should be started immediately after diagnosing the problem. During your course, your treatment will be concentrated on-

  • Eliminating the swelling in fractured area
  • Reducing pain 
  • Making you capable of bearing weight
  • Maintaining range of movement on affected area and surrounding parts
  • Providing strength to the weakened muscle
  • Encouraging healing procedure

Physiotherapy is a time consuming process but all the time is worth it. Even after the bone gets repaired, you need to visit your physiotherapist for almost 3-12 months depending on your

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